Private Pilot Ground School will begin Fall 2025 and will held every Monday night at 5:30pm-8:00pm for 16 weeks.
Also a possible Instrument Pilot Ground School will begin Fall 2025 and will be held every Tuesday at 5:30pm-8:00pm for 16 weeks.
Contact the office at 570-288-3257 for more details and signup.
Flight Training Scholarships - AOPA AOPA flight scholarships available at this link.
Please note that these schools will satisfy the FAA ground requirements for your private pilot license and instrument pilot license . Please call the office at 570-288-3257 if you have any questions and if you wish to sign up.

Valley Aviation is a FAR Part 141 and Part 61 Flight Training Center with a staff of FAA certified flight instructors which has been recognized by AOPA as a "Top 10" flight school. We are open 7 days a week, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm except for major holidays. Valley Aviation has a diverse fleet of training and rental aircraft. Our primary training aircraft consist of six Cessna Skyhawk's, both M and N models. The Skyhawk is used to obtain your Private Pilot certificate and instrument rating and are equipped with either Garman 430 or 530 GPS. Training for a “complex” rating is achieved in a Piper Arrow. The Arrow is equipped with a Garman 530 GPS, has a variable pitch propeller, retractable landing gear, auto pilot and air conditioning. A Piper Aztec is used for multi-engine training and high-performance certification. The Aztec is equipped with a Garman 530 GPS, twin, 250 horse power engines with variable pitch propellers, retractable landing gear, auto pilot, air conditioning and is certified to fly in icing conditions. For tail-wheel endorsements, Valley Aviation uses a A-1 Huskey. War Bird training is also available in our 1943 PT-17 Stearman however this aircraft is only available for duel instruction and cannot be flown solo.